Thursday, August 7, 2008

Complete Pipeline

I implemented the Complete Pipeline task for OpenBiomind-GUI. Following is the snapshot of the wizard:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Converting Graphviz dot file to image file using dot utility

OpenBiomind generates a Graphviz dot file as an output of GraphFeatures task. In the GUI, we thought to provide a image of the graph too. This was simply achieved using the dot utility provided by Graphviz.

Following snippet shows a sample usage (working example can be seen in this snippet was modified from revision 46 of GraphFeaturesWizard):

Following is the snapshot of a workbench after opening the graph (image):

Graph Features

I implemented the Graph Features task for OpenBiomind-GUI. Following is the snapshot of the wizard:

Preference Dialog

Here is the preference dialog of the application:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Image Editor

I implemented an Image Editor to display the generated image. I needed that for View Clusters task. Found a good amount of help from Snippet 48 of SWT Snippets. Following is the snapshot of the workbench after opening the image file:

View Clusters

I implemented the View Clusters task for OpenBiomind-GUI. Following is the snapshot of the wizard:

Friday, July 18, 2008


I implemented the Clusterize task for OpenBiomind-GUI. Following is the snapshot of the wizard:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Clustering Transformer

I implemented the ClusteringTransformer task for OpenBiomind-GUI. Following is the snapshot of the wizard:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Utility Computer

I implemented the UtilityComputer task for OpenBiomind-GUI. Following is the snapshot of the wizard:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How to fix "workspace excited with unsaved changes" issue?

!MESSAGE The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.

While using the workspace resources in Eclipse 3.4 RCP application, if you get the above message whenever you restart the workbench, then you need to save the workspace, before existing the workbench. One possible, way to do this is to overload the preWindowShellClose() method in your of WorkbenchWindowAdvisor. You can save the workspace by using ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().save(...) method.

Following snippet elaborates this (this snippet was modified from revision 32 of ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor):

File Menu and Edit Menu

Eclipse RCP 3.4 allows you to easily add menu commands. You just need to use the ID of an existing command as the command ID of the menu item. I used that extensively to create the File and Edit menus.
File Menu

Edit Menu

Following is the code snippet of plugin.xml file (you may also look at the revision 34 from where this snippet has been copied):

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Meta Task

I implemented the MetaTask task for OpenBiomind-GUI. Following is the snapshot of the wizard:

Friday, July 4, 2008

Enhance Dataset and DatasetTransformer

Following are some of the screen shots of OpenBiomind-GUI (revision 27 of

Enhance Dataset

Dataset Transformer

More screen shots are available at

P.S. The post was edited on a later date.

Splash Screen

Here is the Splash Screen that I created for OpenBiomind-GUI. I used GIMP to create this image. Clearly, I am not an artist and this was my first attempt at making an image :)

Creating/Opening Link using Eclipse SWT

I recently had a need to use hyperlinks (though I did not use it eventually). Here is a snippet to create hyperlinks in using Eclipse SWT.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Creating NUM_ONLY Text Field using Eclipse SWT

While working on a wizard, I needed to use text fields that accept only numbers. Following is a snippet of what I used. This text field will only accept digits as input. All other inputs (barring a few) are discarded.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I will be putting up updates on the development of OpenBiomind-GUI as well as other related stuff on this blog. OpenBiomind-GUI provides a GUI for OpenBiomind. The project was started in summer 2008 as a Google Summer of Code 2008 project. The title of the project was Java GUI for OpenBiomind.

Tomorrow it will be one month since the coding started for it.