Friday, July 4, 2008

Enhance Dataset and DatasetTransformer

Following are some of the screen shots of OpenBiomind-GUI (revision 27 of

Enhance Dataset

Dataset Transformer

More screen shots are available at

P.S. The post was edited on a later date.

Splash Screen

Here is the Splash Screen that I created for OpenBiomind-GUI. I used GIMP to create this image. Clearly, I am not an artist and this was my first attempt at making an image :)

Creating/Opening Link using Eclipse SWT

I recently had a need to use hyperlinks (though I did not use it eventually). Here is a snippet to create hyperlinks in using Eclipse SWT.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Creating NUM_ONLY Text Field using Eclipse SWT

While working on a wizard, I needed to use text fields that accept only numbers. Following is a snippet of what I used. This text field will only accept digits as input. All other inputs (barring a few) are discarded.